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Resistance Training May be the Most Important Exercise for Brain Health

Useful research seems to confirm the importance of training with weights to brain health and overall wellness.  

According to a study conducted by Taylor Kelty, PhD, that was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, putting rats in weight training programs (Do they have gym memberships now?) reveals their cognitive functioning is markedly enhanced even if their brains are inflamed and impaired at the start.

Prior research has demonstrated that aerobic exercise also leads to healthier brains (i.e., running, biking, walking, swimming, etc.). When actually observing rats lifting weights regularly, the researchers of this study found that rats got stronger and increased muscle mass. The amazing findings also revealed that when rats with a dementia-like condition were lifting weights, after five weeks, they caught up or even “surpassed” the normal control group (the ones without dementia) in neurological functioning.  Researchers also found in weight lifting rats, their brains teemed with enzymes targeting greater longevity of new neurons while also inducing plasticity, the brain’s ability to remodel itself. 

Therefore the author recommends people to look into resistance training—for it appears to be neuroprotective and tends to lead to a more resilient and a healthy ability to think. Adding this regimen to your existing aerobic program is probably a good idea and more research on resistance training will likely be on the way. 

Enjoy the day!



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